If you or your loved one has been accused of a sex crime, stop communicating with anyone who is not your attorney. Even if you are a mere suspect of 100 in a single sex crimes case, talking to law enforcement and investigators on your own without legal advice can have a devastating effect on the outcome of your case. Many sex offenders would not be sex offenders if they had an experienced Detroit criminal lawyer by their side during their investigation and trial.
A sex crime is any offense that involves some form of sexual misconduct such as sexual assault, indecent exposure, solicitation of prostitution, possession or distribution of child pornography, or sexual abuse.
With the advent of technology, sex crimes offenses committed on computers over the internet have dramatically increased. Law enforcement agencies have learned that they can pose as prostitutes or underage minors in chat rooms and other websites, lure offenders into incriminating themselves, and charge them with sex crimes.
In the state of Michigan sex crimes are heavily punishable by state prison sentences as well as other consequences. If you are convicted of a sex crime, you will have to register in the Michigan state sex offender registry for 25 years following your guilty verdict. Registering as a recognized sex offender could affect future employment opportunities as well as your familial relationships and social standing within your community.
If you or your loved one has been accused of a sex crime, you need a knowledgeable attorney to craft the best defense possible. Contact the law offices of the Detroit criminal attorney today for an immediate consultation regarding your sex crimes case.